Information Communication Technology
This refers to the use of computers, telecommunications equipment and other technologies
associated with automation for the transmission of information.
Risks in using ICT as a strategic resource:
?Change- ICT is vulnerable to change which may compromise its relevance to
anorganization. For example, production of higher versions of software product may render
earlier versions obsolete as is the case with Windows 95 after the release of the versions
Windows 98, Windows 2000 and Windows XP which provide more advanced networking
and security features.
?Over expenditure on hardware, software, installation of networks, personnel, etc.
Anorganization could find itself spending freely on hardware, software, installation of
networks and personnel in cases where no proper budgeting is made before initiating an
ICT project..
?Poor selection of ICT resources that are needed to meet the competitive strategies of
anorganization. Poorly selected resources results in wastage of organizational funds. It may
also result in failure of the organization to meet its strategic objectives since the poorly
selected resources may only partially meet the strategic objectives of an organization.
4.Security issues- using ICT as a strategic resource would mean that there would have to
beadequate security mechanisms to prevent hardware resources from sabotage, theft and
misuse. Data must also be protected from corruption or unauthorized access.
Actions that need to be taken:
1.Change management approach- an organization should strive to keep up with changesin
the ICT sector to avoid being left behind. This requires constant market research and
periodic appraisal of its systems.
2.Adequate budgeting procedures should be put in place to ensure that only
necessaryresources (hardware, software, personnel) are acquired by an organization.
3.To avoid the risk of poor selection of resources, management should seek adequate
consultation from the IT manager of a company or from an IT consultancy firm.
4.To counter the security risks in using ICT, adequate security mechanisms such as
usernames and passwords, data encryption, physical security measures such as electronic
door locks and mechanical door locks used to be put in place.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 23, 2017 at 13:51
- Electronic point of sale (EPOS) and Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) are the dominant terminals currently being used in business.Briefly explain three summary reports that are...(Solved)
Electronic point of sale (EPOS) and Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) are the dominant terminals currently being used in business.
Briefly explain three summary reports that are likely to be generated by each terminal.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- In modern economies, the volume of trade transacted by enterprises over the internet is rapidly increasing that transacted through the traditional channels. Discuss how any two...(Solved)
In modern economies, the volume of trade transacted by enterprises over the internet is rapidly increasing that transacted through the traditional channels.
Discuss how any two traditional functions of doing business have moved to the internet and the benefits this movement has brought to enterprises.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Most governments are embracing information communication technology through the implementation of e-governance initiatives. Describe what is meant by e-governance and give four areas in which e-governance...(Solved)
Most governments are embracing information communication technology through the implementation of e-governance initiatives.
Describe what is meant by e-governance and give four areas in which e-governance is beneficial to the public.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Networks are increasingly being managed remotely. Name three security implications of remote network management and three mechanisms that are needed for remote network management..(Solved)
Networks are increasingly being managed remotely. Name three security implications of remote network management and three mechanisms that are needed
for remote network management.
Examine some of the challenges facing the convergence of networks in business
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Examine two disadvantages of using direct access storage devices(Solved)
Examine two disadvantages of using direct access storage devices.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Human intelligence can be defined as a person‘s ability to solve problems, utilize logic and think critically. Discuss the major differences between human intelligence and artificial...(Solved)
Human intelligence can be defined as a person‘s ability to solve problems, utilize logic and think critically.
Discuss the major differences between human intelligence and artificial intelligence.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give four examples of industries and business organizations that are currently using computer networking(Solved)
Give four examples of industries and business organizations that are currently using
computer networking.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Briefly describe the following two elements of software quality and explain howeach element can be measured:(i.) Functional correctness of the software. (ii.) Reliability of...(Solved)
Briefly describe the following two elements of software quality and explain how each element can be measured:
(i.) Functional correctness of the software.
(ii.) Reliability of the software.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- (i) Networks are increasingly being managed remotely. Name three security implications of remote network management and three mechanisms that are needed for remote network management(Solved)
(i) Networks are increasingly being managed remotely. Name three security
implications of remote network management and three mechanisms that are needed
for remote network management.
(ii) Examine some of the challenges facing the convergence of networks in business
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Who should be involved in a requirement review? Suggest their role in the requirement review(Solved)
Who should be involved in a requirement review? Suggest their role in the requirement review.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Differentiate between the following terms:(i.) Hardware and software;(ii.) Application software and system software;(iii.) Bit and byte; (iv.) RAM and ROM;...(Solved)
Differentiate between the following terms:
(i.) Hardware and software;
(ii.) Application software and system software;
(iii.) Bit and byte;
(iv.) RAM and ROM;
(v.) Data and information.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Describe three major factors that affect the performance of a computer operation.For each factor, state one example of measurement.(Solved)
Describe three major factors that affect the performance of a computer operation.
For each factor, state one example of measurement.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Examine the issues to be considered when planning for information systems training(Solved)
Examine the issues to be considered when planning for information systems training.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain the following database security features: (i) Authorization (ii) Authentication(Solved)
Explain the following database security features:
(i) Authorization
(ii) Authentication
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Describe the functional components of a typical computer system(Solved)
Describe the functional components of a typical computer system.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Describe how a software developer can make use of the internet. (Solved)
Describe how a software developer can make use of the internet.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Kenfin Ltd is a medium size commercial bank having branches in major towns in Kenya. The bank provides over the counter services and is planning...(Solved)
Kenfin Ltd is a medium size commercial bank having branches in major towns in Kenya. The bank provides over the counter services and is planning to introduce online banking services. The online banking services will enable the bank to centralize some information processing systems while decentralizing others. You are the project manager overseeing the implementation of the online banking services project.
(i.) What information systems services would you recommend to be centralized or
decentralized? Justify your answer citing any assumptions made.
(ii.) Describe three key risks that may affect the duration and/or cost of the project.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Computerized accounting/financial systems still need internal controls to enhance the integrity of such systems. Explain four internal control procedures that need to be put in place...(Solved)
Computerized accounting/financial systems still need internal controls to enhance the integrity of such systems. Explain four internal control procedures that need to be put in place to guarantee the integrity of such systems.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- In many computer installations, the most common form of terminal is the visual display unit (VDU). State and explain key features of a VDU terminal....(Solved)
In many computer installations, the most common form of terminal is the visual display unit (VDU). State and explain key features of a VDU terminal.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- In the context of computer programming, differentiate between source code and object code.(Solved)
In the context of computer programming, differentiate between source code and object code.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)