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Write the synopsis of my father's head by Okwiri Oduor


Write the synopsis of my father's head by Okwiri Oduor.



Father Ignatius Okello,the new chaplain ,visits a home for adults in which the narrator works in.Father Ignatius is from Immaculate Conception in Kitgum. The narrator arranges the chairs beneath the avocado for the people to sit.The people practice their smiles before the father arrives.The father preaches about love.The narrator ,Simbi, admires the way the father fills his mug with tea.This reminds her of her of her father before he died.She strings together the images of her father making his limbs move and his lips spew words.In the end,her father's image appears like a marionette. It appears like scenes in theatrical display.

She thinks about the millet - colored freckle in her father's eye and the fifty cent coins he always forget his coat pockets.She recalls how every Saturday people will come knocking on the door telling the father to go and help them fix a burst pipe of water.She recalls the moment they shared with her father.How she would sit on her father's feet.How she he would scoop handful of groundnuts and rub them between his palms,chew them and then feed the mush to her.

She sketches the image of her father although his head refuses to appear within the borders of the paper.She asks Bwibo,the cook at the old people's home,why she cannot remember her fathers face. Bwibo says, 'Although everyone has a head behind their face ,some show theirs easily,they turn their back on you and their heads is all you can see.Your father was a good man.Good men never show you their heads;they show you their faces.'

Simbi recalls the time her people telephoned to say that a cane tractor had flattened her father on the road to Shibale, no one said a thing about having seen his head. Simbi recalls about good moments with her father but in the end,she doesn't really want him back.she just want to see his head.
marto answered the question on November 28, 2017 at 12:09

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