A vehicle travels through a distance of 20m in 10 seconds. Then it stops in town for 30s and finally covers another distance of 100...


A vehicle travels through a distance of 20m in 10 seconds. Then it stops in town for 30s and finally covers another distance of 100 m in 30s. Calculate the average speed.



Total distance travelled = 20 + 100 = 120 m
Total time taken = 10 +30 +30 =50 s
The average speed = 120/50 = 2.4 m/s

joseph rimiru answered the question on November 23, 2017 at 18:21

Next: What is meant by the following terms: a. displacement b. speed c. average speed
Previous:  Calculate the distance in metre traveled by motor cycle moving with a uniform speed of 120 km/h in 50 seconds.

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