Explain the characteristics of a data dictionary.


Explain the characteristics of a data dictionary.



Data dictionary is an automated manual tool for storing and organizing information about the
data maintained in a database. A data dictionary is a file which defines the basic organization of a
database. It contains a list of all files in the database, the number of records in each file and the
name and types of each field. All data elements contained in data dictionary are accompanied with
a short description on what they are.
Its characteristics are:
(i) A query facility:- this is both for administrators and casual users. It helps users to
perform searches on items like business definitions, user descriptions or even
(ii) Automated input facilities:- this are to enable loading of records
(iii) Security features:- to help in protecting the information contained in the data
(iv) Comprehensive data reporting language for user designed reports.
(v) Language interphase, to allow, for example standard record layouts to be automatically
incorporated into programs during the compile process.
(vi) Help facility – this helps to instruct users on how to use the data dictionary.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 24, 2017 at 05:07

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