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Explain the importance of documenting and agreeing on the information systems requirements


Explain the importance of documenting and agreeing on the information systems requirements.



1. Documentation – this is the description of a software in written form after its development.
The importance are:-
(i) It guides the development team at various stages of the development life cycle.
(ii) Can be used as a system back up copy should something happen to its implementation
(iii) It aids or assists during system maintenance since it guides in identification of system
modules to be changed.
(iv) Effectively provides a check list of items to be covered during subsequent system
audit a maintenance.
(v) Guides against loss of system understanding particularly when the author leaves the
company or dies
(vi) Act as a training guide for users.
2. Importance of agreeing on the information system requirement.
(i) Improves relationship between users management and developers. It ensures that
potential dispute areas are reduced.
(ii) Lowers the cost of system development by defining the requirement time completely
and correctly.
(iii) Increases team satisfaction, confidence and support.
(iv) It makes it easier to plan to project as the total costs can be estimated with more

gregorymasila answered the question on November 24, 2017 at 05:16

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