(a)Explain four importance of breast feeding a baby. (b)Identify four factors that may lead to a mothers inability to breast feed.


(a)Explain four importance of breast feeding a baby.
(b)Identify four factors that may lead to a mothers inability to breast feed.



a)Importance of breast feeding a baby
-Contain all nutrients in their correct quantities
-Colostrum ( first milk) contains antibodies which protect the child against diseases
-Assist the mothers uterus to heal and come back to normal size and position
-Is clean and free from germs
-Readily available
-Always at the right temperature hence saves on time and energy
-Enhance the bond between the mother and the child
b)Factors leading to mother’s inability to breastfeed
- Inverted nipples
-Successive births
-Unavailability due to work
-HIV / AIDS positive
-Multiple births
lydiajane74 answered the question on November 24, 2017 at 08:18

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