1)Test-retest reliability – the single form of a test is administered twice on the same group with a reasonable time gap, usually a period of two weeks. In the first administration, we arrive at some set of scores. In the second administration, we arrive at another set of scores. The two sets of scores are correlated to give the value of reliability coefficient.
2)Internal consistence reliability – it is sometimes called split-half test method. Here the test is divided into two equal halves. The common way of splitting the test is by using odd-even method. In the power test, the easier items are placed in the beginning. Each examinee in a speed test will be receiving two sets of scores: odd scores and even scores. The number of correct answers in all the odd items should have a separate score sheet. Then the number of correct answer of correct scores in the even items will also be in separate score sheet. From a single administration, the two sets of scores are correlated to arrive at reliability coefficient.
3)Alternate forms reliability – requires the test to be developed in two forms which should be comparable. This alternate forms reliability measures the consistency of the examinees in scores between the two tests. The interval between the first test and the second is usually a short duration.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on November 25, 2017 at 18:20
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