Give the reasons for decline of city centers along the coastal area in 1500 AD


Give the reasons for decline of city centers along the coastal area in 1500 AD



1.Portugal was a small country that could not provide enough administrators and officials for such a large coastline that extended from Sofala in the south to Mogadishu in the north.

2.Authority was left in hands of incompetent and corrupt officials who were after enriching themselves.

3.The Africans hated the Portuguese due to differences in religion, that is to say, Muslims against Christians (Portuguese).

4. Portugal had few soldiers and could not keep fortified garrison along the coast.

5.The Portuguese were cruel, harsh and brutal, they always punished the coastal people whenever they attempted to rebel and made them to be hated.

6. There was decline of trade due high taxes on imports and other restrictions hence smuggling of goods, which affected the Portuguese economy.

7. Portugal had been forced into a union with Spain between–1640 which weakened her control of the trading colonies as she was no longer interested in the overseas empire.
8. Portugal was challenged by other European powers, which began competing with the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean Trade e.g. Dutch, English, French, Turks and others.
9.Tropical diseases which claimed their life like smallpox, malaria making it difficult for them to administer the coast effectively.

jumason answered the question on December 7, 2017 at 16:17

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