In traditional African communities their are various tasks to be perfomed and fairly distributed among the people,these tasks are divided according to age and gender,
1.The elders are given political roles and are regarded as the chief chancellor
They also maintain law and order together with settling disputes in the community.
2.The elderly women stay at home and looked after their grandchildren.
They also educated young girls on their roles as future wives and mothers.
3.The young married man provided food for their families and cultivated new fields together with guiding the crops from wild animals by chasing them away.
-They looked after cattle and flocks of sheep and protected them from wild animals as they graze.
4.The young unmarried men provided security from the community ,they defended the community from hostile attacks from their neighbours.
5.Boys help in herding animals and team up with their fathers and young men in some of their activities,they also learnt by observing and acquired skills such as hunting and building.
6.girls helped their mothers in house hold chores such as cooking ,fetching firewood and water and looking after babies,they also learned some skills such as weaving and pottery they are also taught some roles as future morhers and wives.
NB-The education of boys and girls is aimed at transforming them into mature and responsible members of the community, through this education they acquire propper habits attitudes believes and skills.
henry nyongesa answered the question on January 14, 2018 at 07:11