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Discuss the changes that would take place if the expert system was implemented in terms of position, status; tasks and responsibilities of engineers at the...


Discuss the changes that would take place if the expert system was implemented in
terms of position, status; tasks and responsibilities of engineers at the company‘s
repair centre and in the field.




- Retrenchment of some engineers
- Some specialized positions would be faced out for instance some engineers may
have acquired specialization due to many years of experience hence regarded
special in position such positions may be faced out by the new system, leading to
loss of status in the organization
- The new system may lower morals of those affected negatively by it.
- Repositioning of staff, some engineers may be assigned other responsibilities,
which may be different from what they used to do and probably not in the
engineering sector.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 27, 2017 at 13:16

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