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Which factors favoured the success of FRELIMO nationalists during their struggle for independence in Mozambique?


Which factors favoured the success of FRELIMO nationalists during their struggle for independence in Mozambique?



-The Frelimo strategy of attacking the Portuguese from different points.
-Many Africans joined the nationalist war.
-The country was ideal for guerilla warfare.
-Frelimo forces were fighting on their own terrain among fellow Africans. They were familiar with the topography.
-Frelimo cultivated its own food to relieve the local population of the burden of supplying food.
-African nationalists got a lot of support from the communist countries e.g MSSR, China, Czeeh. They provided food, trained guerillas, medicine, weapons, ammunition, vehicles and finances. -Women were active in running the militia. They played a role in mobilizing the African communities to support the struggle.
-Ethnicity was eliminated among the nationalists through mingling of people of different origins. Traditional songs and dances were used to instill national consciousness. The Portuguese language was unified the fighters.
-Frelimo collaborated with freedom fighters from Sothern Rhodesia and fought against the Portuguese.
steve williams answered the question on November 28, 2017 at 00:08

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