Control techniques and their significance in the context of data security.
i) Biometrics control
These are controls that involve a high level of technology whereby the system identifies a user
by recognising his biological characteristics. The most commonly available systems are voice
recognition systems which are able to recognise the user‘s voice and thus allow him access to
the system. Also, biometrics systems are available which are able to recognise a user‘s eyes.
A system user needs only to focus his or her eyes before abeam of light which is displayed by
the system input machine which then sends signals to the processor the user authentication.
This form of control is important to data security that: -
1. It is accurate and cannot be forged by unauthorised users.
2. It is a fast way since keying of data is required.
ii) Encryption
This is a control technique which involves scrambling the data at one end of the line,
transmitting the scrambled data and unscrambling it at the at the receiver‘s end of the line.
Scrambling refers to transformation of data into codes and characters that cannot be read by
an ordinary person. Data encryption is a way of preventing electronic eavesdropping or wire-
Encryption ensures data integrity which means that data is preserved in the same status as in
the source document and has not been accidentally or incidentally destroyed or disclosed.
It also ensures privacy over data is maintained and individuals are assured of the control and
use of their own information.
iii) Logical access
This refers to controlling those who have access to the terminal of a computer from gaining
access to the data of a software. They are also known as data controls. They ensure that:
- Data is collected in full and with accuracy -
Data is held up to date
- Data is processed in the right way to produce the required report. -
Reports are generated at the required time.
Some examples of logical access controls include:
1. Password: - This is a set of characters, which may be allocated to a person, terminal,
orfacility and which must be keyed in before access is permitted. It is used to identify the
user and check the user authority.
2. Personal identification numbers (PIN). This refers to a set of characters which
mustbe keyed in to the system to allow further access to the system. They are allocated to
each individual user of the system.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 29, 2017 at 09:25
- Application controls can be classified into three major categories, processing controls and output controls. Describe the objective of each control and examine the techniques within...(Solved)
Application controls can be classified into three major categories, processing controls and
output controls.
Describe the objective of each control and examine the techniques within each to ensure
maintenance of maximum feasible levels of control.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain how the use of Information Technology (IT) can bring about improvements in productivity within a business organisation(Solved)
Explain how the use of Information Technology (IT) can bring about improvements in productivity within a business organisation.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Prototyping is based on the simple idea that people can express more easily what they like or do not like about an actual working system(Solved)
Prototyping is based on the simple idea that people can express more easily what they like or
do not like about an actual working system.
(i) Examine four guidelines required for the development of a prototype.
(ii) Select two facilities usually found in fourth generation languages (4GLs) and explain their
application in developing a prototype system.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Organisation information systems are categorised under: (i) Transaction Processing System (TPS)(Solved)
Organisation information systems are categorised under:
i) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
ii) Management Information Systems (MIS)
iii) Decision Support System (DSS)
iv) Executive Information System (EIS)
v) Expert Systems (ES)
Suggest one application of each of the systems types listed above for each of the following
functional areas of business:
- Sales and marketing
- Finance
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- What impact might end-user computing have on the organisation of information technology functions?(Solved)
What impact might end-user computing have on the organisation of information technology functions?
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Suggest examples of activities end-users might not be responsible for.(Solved)
Suggest examples of activities end-users might not be responsible for.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- The following are some of the elements which constitute an E-Commerce application: -Automated Teller Machine (ATM ), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Internet. Required:Illustrate the contributions of...(Solved)
The following are some of the elements which constitute an E-Commerce application: -
Automated Teller Machine (ATM )
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Illustrate the contributions of each of the above technologies in E-Commerce application.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain the meaning of the following terms: (i) Website. (ii) Cyber-cafe (iii) Network browser(Solved)
Explain the meaning of the following terms:
i. Website.
ii. Cyber-cafe.
iii. Network browser.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- During the design stage of a new information system, the following issues are addressed: (i) User interface (ii) Data (iii)Process. Required:Discuss the composition of design document under the...(Solved)
During the design stage of a new information system, the following issues are addressed:
(i) User interface.
(ii) Data.
(iii) Process.
Discuss the composition of design document under the above three elements.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Briefly describe any four computer related crimes that an organisation which is considering computerising its operations should be aware of(Solved)
Briefly describe any four computer related crimes that an organisation which is considering computerising its operations should be aware of.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain the term 'critical path' as used in project management(Solved)
Explain the term 'critical' path as used in project management.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Describe the role of project management(Solved)
Describe the role of project management.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Structured walkthrough addresses some areas of interest in a new program under programming productivity(Solved)
Structured walkthrough addresses some areas of interest in a new program under programming productivity.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain how the use of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) improves
programming productivity.(Solved)
Explain how the use of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) improves
programming productivity.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- In a sequential narrative. name and describe the main stages in the program development life cycle.(Solved)
In a sequential narrative. name and describe the main stages in the program
development life cycle.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Identify six risks associated with end user computing(Solved)
Identify six risks associated with end user computing.
Date posted: November 27, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain the role of the following in promoting end user computing (i) Information resource centres. (ii) Object oriented programming.(Solved)
Explain the role of the following in promoting end user computing
(i) Information resource centres.
(ii) Object oriented programming.
Date posted: November 27, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain the two terms "process engineering and re-engineering".(Solved)
Explain the two terms "process engineering and re-engineering".
Date posted: November 27, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain the use and application of the following:(i) Telecommuting. (ii) Electric data interchange. (iii) Computer conferencing.(Solved)
Explain the use and application of the following:
(i) Telecommuting.
(ii) Electric data interchange.
(iii) Computer conferencing.
Date posted: November 27, 2017. Answers (1)
- Tactical management level may require the use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) for semi
-structured decisions and data modelling.
(a)Describe four functional characteristics of Decision Support...(Solved)
Tactical management level may require the use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) for semi
-structured decisions and data modelling.
(a)Describe four functional characteristics of Decision Support Systems (DSS).
(8 marks)
Date posted: November 27, 2017. Answers (1)