1) Educational stakeholders do appreciate that education is subject and a victim of various social forces in society.
2) Some education practices create competition and conflict among education stakeholders.
3)Performance of learners differ from one school to another largely due to unequal distribution of resources.for example, textbooks, classroom conditions
4)Subjects taught in school have a way of creating inequality among the learners. This is mainly because of the specialization which accompany those subjects.
5) Stakeholders in education should initiate reforms and changes in education with a view of achieving equality rather than inequality in society.
1.Education is a major/important social institution in society. As a result ,education is subjected to and made victim of various social forces in society. The forces can inspire conflict in education such as economic as well as the political forces. There is often a spill over effect from such social institutions and their forces into education especially when changes occur in them . thus conflict in other social institutions does enter into education . e.g. economic remunerations of teachers can cause strikes
2.Education is a delicate institution especially because children are the learners in schools their well being upkeep performance achievement and change are mostly and strongly dependent on other social institutions like family economy religion and politics for its survival . These institutions have developed stronger and firm foundations for cushioning change and conflict if and when they occur. ideally therefore reforms in education should follow or come after changes in other institutions like economy and politics
3.Education should be assessed/reviewed often so as to take into consideration and accommodate the views of other interested/affected parties or groups of people. This exercise can assist in minimizing instances of disagreements and hence conflict among all the stakeholders especially in schools whenever hot issues and questions do arise for instance teaching as sex or family education ,HIV/Aids awareness policies to guide re-admitting girls to class after giving birth and many other issues
4.Dependence on academic examinations, end of term tests and even regional and national examinations as the only recognized and accepted forms of assessing a whole person .such a practice mainly encourages and trains the pupils to compete. It prepares individuals for competition and not cooperation in society. Competition is a form of conflict. Therefore, by assisting pupils to learn through examinations only helps to entrench conflict tendencies in individuals .in order to minimize the risk of engendering competitive attitudes in learners and the accompanying conflict tendencies, other forms of assessing the learners should be installed in schools, such as the social and personality assessments. This approach will facilitate more cooperation/consensus among learners when they leave school and take up their responsibilities in society
Performance and achievement of learners in school differ mainly because of unequal allocation of resources. The idea here that when schools are provided with equalized resources and facilities such as teaching equipment ,funds, books and even teachers learners will achieve reasonably well without great differences being observed. Therefore, differentiated academic provisions appear to bring about poor performance, among learners in different schools. It is not because they lack intellectual abilities or ignore working hard. By allocating equalized learning resources among schools and learners, their achievement will be harmonized. In turn, this will reduce conflict among schools and learners.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on November 29, 2017 at 13:19
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