(a) Give the differences between diesel and petrol engine. (b) Outline five advantages of farm mechanization. (c) Explain factors considered in selection of construction materials


a) Give the differences between petrol and diesel engine.
b) Outline five advantages of farm mechanization.
c) Explain factors considered in selection of construction materials




b) Advantages of farm mechanisation Faster in farm operation.
? It is more efficient
? It is less laborious.
? Makes work more enjoyable.
? Ensures timely operations therefore high yields.
? Benefits from economies of large scale farming. 5 x 1 = marks
c) Factors considered in selection of construction material
? Availability of materials - the materials that are easily available are selected for construction.
? Durability of materials - materials which may last long are selected.
? Cost of the materials - materials which cost less are preferred.
? Suitability of each type of material to he prevailing weather conditions.
? Strength of each type of materials to the prevailing weather conditions.
? Strength of materials depending on the type of structure being put up.
? Workability of the materials - the ease with which to use materials.
? Select non-toxic materials.
john3 answered the question on November 29, 2017 at 20:25

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