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Describe the management of layers in deep litter system from the point of laying


Describe the management of layers in deep litter system from the point of laying



- The litter should be kept dry by regularly raking.
- Provide enough perches which should be well spaced in the house.
- provide adequate waterers, feeders and well- distributed.
- provide clean and adequate water, keep waterers and all equipment clean. Replace soft litter in the nest to prevent egg eating.
- Ensure the nest is dark enough to avoid cannibalism.
- Collect eggs at least twice a day.
- Provide adequate layer marsh.
- Supply some grit to help in digestion.
- Ensure adequate supply of greens for vitamins.
- Hand the greens to help them exercise.
- Cull poor lavers or diseased birds.
- Debeak birds to prevent cannibalism and egg- eating.
- Vaccinate against prevailing diseases.
- Check birds for disease symptom.
- Check for pests occurrence and apply appropriate pesticides.
- Avoid stress factors like noise.
- Discourage broodiness among layers.
- Provide grains on the litter to avoid cannibalism.
- Isolate and treat sick birds.
- Keep records
john3 answered the question on November 30, 2017 at 04:20

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