The society the whale rider is a male dominated one.There is hereditary chiefdom based on the first son.The girl child is like Kahu,is therefore seen to be of no use,thus discriminated against. Nani flowers however comes out strongly in several occasions to challenge this bias,thus enduring her survival and of her great grand daughter,Kahu.
When Kahu is born ,Koro Apirana is disgusted that she is a girl.In his anger decides to take his row boat to row in the middle of the sea.Eventually she ties the boat to hers and pulls him back to beach. Nani in this case empowers Koro who is indifferent about the girl child Kahu.
While Koro Apirana cannot reconcile the maori hereditary leadership with the birth of the girl child Kahu, Nani constantly reminds him of her ancestors,Muriwai. This is a woman who has saved her community from wrecking in a canoe,thus becoming a powerful chief.This is a constant reminder to the chauvinistic society that women are able to lead.
Koro Strongly opposses bringing Kahu's afterbirths to be burried in Whangara. In her reaction,Nani tells him,'she is porourang's blood and yours.It is her right to save her birth cords here,in this ground.'She then takes the initiative with the help of Rawiri and other boys to go to town,brings afterbirths and buries them.A duty that should have been performed by a man.
Nani insists that women should assist men in pulling the whales back to the sea.This is in spite of Koro's stand that,that is sacred work,not for women .But Nani remains persisted and says ,if I need you ....need help,well I shall change myself into a aman .Just like Muriwai.'Later at the beach,she leads other women to help pulling the bull whale back to the sea.
Nani flowers has remained bold and assertive and this enables her and her great grand daughter Kahu,to survive against gender bias seen in Koro. It is therefore important that people especially women ,be assertive in order to survive Chauvinistic society.
marto answered the question on November 30, 2017 at 07:46
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