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Mulili is the epitome of evil in the Kafira society. 'How true is this statement in light of what takes places in the play...


Mulili is the epitome of evil in the Kafira society. How true is this statement in light of what takes places in the play Betrayal in the city,By Francis Imbuga?



Why is Mulili is referred to the reflection of evil in the society in Betrayal in The City?

In the society,there are people who may play sycophancy to those in power simply because they want to get famous and material gains from leaders.In the process they become evil minded,corrupt and greedy. Mulili in betrayal in the city is a symbolic representation of evil in any given society.

Because of his evil mindedness and greed for material gain,Mulili discharges his duties unprofessionally ,as long as will please Boss so please Boss and get the farm and grade cattle,he had been promised upon retirement.

He becomes cruel and inhuman when he sees to it that Jere is imprisoned for wanting to allow Doga and Nina conduct a burial ceremony for their son Adika who was murdered in cold blood.

He frames other people falsely and arranges for their competition.A case in point is Kabito whom he frames before his boss that he had abused him and said some other unpalatable things.

His sycophancy is the best example of the illiterate and in efficient people in society who use their close association with those in power to feed their greed for material wealth and personal gain.His English is broken showing his level of education.

At the end of the play Mulili even betrays boss his own cousin and even claims that he is just but a distant cousin. He spills out all the atrocities that Boss had committed and even signs his death warrant before the coup executors.His killing and eventual elimination by Jusper is a symbolic representation of evil being eliminated from society.

Those who live by the sword and try to perpetuate evil against others will finally come to utter ruin by the same means.
marto answered the question on November 30, 2017 at 08:27

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