State effects of food shortages


State effects of food shortages in Kenya.



What are the effects of food shortages?

a. Loss of life. Many people have lost their lives. For example the Ethiopian famine in 1984 led
to the deaths of thousands of people.
b. Increased suffering among millions of people in Africa due to deficiency diseases like
kwashiorkor and marasmus.
c. Food shortage has created social problems in societies. For example cattle raids by the
karamojong and Maasai during the periods of famine. Even other anti-social problems like
stealing food in rural areas can be attributed to inadequate food supply.
d. Sometimes famine and drought has forced people to flee their home countries thus causing
refugee problems in the receiving countries.
e. Lack of food hampers efforts towards economic development. It Affects education since
famine stricken children cannot concentrate on learning. There is Use of scarce foreign exchange
to import food.
f. It has created dependence on food aid from rich countries. Even some of the genetically
created foods are tested in third world countries. Such foods have unknown side-effects.
g. It has adversely affected agricultural-based industries.e.g sugar industries.-inevitably this leads
to unemployment.
h. It has led to Political instability as people lose confidence in the governments that cannot feed
johnmulu answered the question on March 10, 2017 at 13:52

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