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With illustrations from Francis Imbuga's play 'Betrayal in the city' show how greed has messed the society.


With illustrations from Francis Imbuga's play 'Betrayal in the city' show how greed has messed the society.



Greed can lead to lack of commitment and dedication of duty.Members of the entertainment committee seem motivated by the 'size of the potato'and not duty or service to the nation-Kabito asks for the size of the potato before meeting and Nicodemo requests for more meetings so that they can get more pay.

Greed leads to misappropriation of funds.Mr Tumbo who is in charge of entertainment opts to have Jusper write the play instead of holding a writing competition.He then pockets two thirds of the money and pays Jusper a third.

Greed leads to extra judicial killings. Kabito was eliminated silently by Mulili. Also Doga and Doga are killed;likewise Adika is killed by chagaga a government official.

Greed causes inhumanity and insecurity among members of society. Mulili's loyalty to Boss is due to greed,as a result many people suffer due to this.

marto answered the question on November 30, 2017 at 11:39

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