Specialised packages
Specialised packages refers to special application programs which are fully documented
for the performances of a particular problem. They can be statistical or quantitative for
example, spreadsheet, accounting packages, graphics, design or clerical packages.
These packages assist the user of a Decision Support System in analysing the
different courses of action regarding a particular problem. They are particularly
important during the analysis stage by the system so that various courses of action
can be recommended.
Specialised packages can also be used during sensitivity analysis during decision-making.
These packages also help decision makers in analysing various decision models, for example,
through variance analysis, linear programming and regression analysis system.
2. Query languages.
These are computer facilities, which allow a user of a database or Decision Support
System to formulate ad hoc queries in order to obtain useful information from the
database. The relevance of query languages to a Decision Support System is to help the
users of the system to express what result is required without specifying how the result is
to be obtained. In this case, the user is able to obtain a variety of recommendation and
approaches to his queries.
3. Database Management Systems
This refers to a set of software or programs, which provide the interface between the
logical and the physical data it manages the database. Its relevance to the Decision
Support System in that it handles the interpretation and processing of the statements
which are commanded in the query language. The Database Management System
facilitates the retrieval of the required data from the data files in the manner which the
user specifies and which it communicates in the manner appropriate for his decisions.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 30, 2017 at 11:50
- Management Information Systems should facilitate decision-making at all levels of management. Each level requires information with different characteristics and with differing degree of profitability.(Solved)
Management Information Systems should facilitate decision-making at all levels of management.
Each level requires information with different characteristics and with differing degree of
a) Examine the characteristics of information used in (i) strategic planning and (ii) operational
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
- Business process re-engineering (BPR) is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business process to achieve a dramatic improvement in measures of performance such as...(Solved)
Business process re-engineering (BPR) is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of
business process to achieve a dramatic improvement in measures of performance such as
quality, cost, speed and services.
i) List the steps of BPR.
ii) Critically examine the role information technology (IT) plays in BPR
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
- The general manager of a large organisation has asked you to draw up a document identifying eight important system characteristics against which managers can evaluate...(Solved)
The general manager of a large organisation has asked you to draw up a document
identifying eight important system characteristics against which managers can evaluate the
success of an information system together with a brief explanation of each. What would
your document contain?
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
- Selling of products, services and information via the computer networks including the internet.Required: (a) Brief explanation of the following concepts as relates to e-commerce: (i) Electronic market....(Solved)
Selling of products, services and information via the computer networks including the internet.
a) Brief explanation of the following concepts as relates to e-commerce:
i) Electronic market.
ii) Electronic purse.
iii) Cyber banking.
iv) Cyber mall.
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
- Most systems are obsolescent the day they become operational. Comment on this statement giving six key reasons why changes to a system are so often...(Solved)
Most systems are obsolescent the day they become operational. Comment on this statement giving six key reasons why changes to a system are so often necessary after it has been implemented.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Describe the functional characteristics and applicability of the backing store(Solved)
Describe the functional characteristics and applicability of the backing store.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give and explain two reasons, in each circumstance why the boot-up programs are stored. (i) In ROM (ii) On Disk(Solved)
Give and explain two reasons, in each circumstance why the boot-up programs are stored.
i) In ROM
ii) On Disk
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Access control is the restriction of unauthorized access to a portion of a computer system or the entire system.Required: (a) Explain the following control techniques and...(Solved)
Access control is the restriction of unauthorised access to a portion of a computer system or the
entire system.
a) Explain the following control techniques and their significance in the context of data security.
i) Biometric control
ii) Encryption
iii) Logical access
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Application controls can be classified into three major categories, processing controls and output controls. Describe the objective of each control and examine the techniques within...(Solved)
Application controls can be classified into three major categories, processing controls and
output controls.
Describe the objective of each control and examine the techniques within each to ensure
maintenance of maximum feasible levels of control.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain how the use of Information Technology (IT) can bring about improvements in productivity within a business organisation(Solved)
Explain how the use of Information Technology (IT) can bring about improvements in productivity within a business organisation.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Prototyping is based on the simple idea that people can express more easily what they like or do not like about an actual working system(Solved)
Prototyping is based on the simple idea that people can express more easily what they like or
do not like about an actual working system.
(i) Examine four guidelines required for the development of a prototype.
(ii) Select two facilities usually found in fourth generation languages (4GLs) and explain their
application in developing a prototype system.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Organisation information systems are categorised under: (i) Transaction Processing System (TPS)(Solved)
Organisation information systems are categorised under:
i) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
ii) Management Information Systems (MIS)
iii) Decision Support System (DSS)
iv) Executive Information System (EIS)
v) Expert Systems (ES)
Suggest one application of each of the systems types listed above for each of the following
functional areas of business:
- Sales and marketing
- Finance
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- What impact might end-user computing have on the organisation of information technology functions?(Solved)
What impact might end-user computing have on the organisation of information technology functions?
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Suggest examples of activities end-users might not be responsible for.(Solved)
Suggest examples of activities end-users might not be responsible for.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- The following are some of the elements which constitute an E-Commerce application: -Automated Teller Machine (ATM ), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Internet. Required:Illustrate the contributions of...(Solved)
The following are some of the elements which constitute an E-Commerce application: -
Automated Teller Machine (ATM )
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Illustrate the contributions of each of the above technologies in E-Commerce application.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain the meaning of the following terms: (i) Website. (ii) Cyber-cafe (iii) Network browser(Solved)
Explain the meaning of the following terms:
i. Website.
ii. Cyber-cafe.
iii. Network browser.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- During the design stage of a new information system, the following issues are addressed: (i) User interface (ii) Data (iii)Process. Required:Discuss the composition of design document under the...(Solved)
During the design stage of a new information system, the following issues are addressed:
(i) User interface.
(ii) Data.
(iii) Process.
Discuss the composition of design document under the above three elements.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Briefly describe any four computer related crimes that an organisation which is considering computerising its operations should be aware of(Solved)
Briefly describe any four computer related crimes that an organisation which is considering computerising its operations should be aware of.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain the term 'critical path' as used in project management(Solved)
Explain the term 'critical' path as used in project management.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Describe the role of project management(Solved)
Describe the role of project management.
Date posted: November 29, 2017. Answers (1)