Write short descriptive notes on the following: (a) Electronic Data Interchange (b) Client/server computing (c) System specification (d) Electronic point of sale system...


Write short descriptive notes on the following:
a) Electronic Data Interchange
b) Client/server computing
c) System specification
d) Electronic point of sale system



Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
This refers to a form of computer to computer data interchange through agreed standards by
all parties. The concept of one computer communicating to another can be faced with major
difficulties such as: -
i) Each business organisation wants to produce documents to its own individual
requirements and structure.
ii) Different makes of computers cannot easily communicate to each other due to
compatibility problems.
iii) Businesses may be working at different time schedules especially when engaged in
international trade.
Thus, to ensure electronic communication is possible, agreed formats for these electronic
documents recognisable by all parties to the transactions are agreed upon.
The advantages of EDI are:
1. If an organisation is decentralised, EDI can expedite internal billing
2. If an organisation‘s paperwork is intricate and complex, EDI can speed it up.
The disadvantages are:
1. Joining EDI network is quite expensive
2. There may be problems with deciding which categories of information are to be sent or
3. Problem in adapting internal systems so that they match up with EDI translation software.
b) Client server computing
Client-server computing refers to a way of describing the relationship between the devices in
a network whereby the tasks that need to be carried out are distributed among various
machines on the network.
A client is a machine which requests a service. For example, a PC running a word processing
application which the user wishes to print out.
A server is a machine which is dedicated to providing a particular function or service
requested by a client. They include file server, print server, and fax servers.
A client server system allows computer power to be distributed where it is most needed. This
approach has the following advantages:
i) It reduces network communication costs
ii) It allows the central computer to be used for administrative tasks such as network
iii) The technological flexibility of this type of system allows the use of sophisticated
applications such as multimedia.
c) System specifications
This refers to a complete documentation of the whole system which is properly maintained or
updated as parts of the system are changed or added to. Problems arise in computer
installations because of inadequate systems and program documentation and controls must be
set up to ensure that updating procedures are always carried out.
Specifications involve a complete description of a program usually including flow charts,
program listings, test data and expected results. System specifications are drawn up by the
system analyst. There should be program specifications and hardware specifications for every
individual program or hardware in the system.
d) Electronic point of sale system
This is a terminal unit or a system capable of selling, processing and receiving sales and stock
particulars by selling transactions. They are mostly used in retail outlets as terminals
connecting the cashier to the computer database containing the stock and sales data. It
comprises of 3 units namely:
Bar code scanner
Cash register keyboard
Cash register visual screen panel or VDU
When a customer presents an item to the cashier, the cashier either enters the keyboard
numbers through the keyboard or uses the scanner to read the bar code. The information is
then sent to computer memory, which interprets the information and retrieves the data from
the magnitude containing the stock and sale. The system calculate the total amount of
purchases and sales before reconciling the stock. It also gives out the itemised receipt and
change to customer.
The advantages of this system include: -
1. It is very fast and convenient to both the cashier and customer.
2. It gives more accurate and reliable services
3. It reduces the need for oriental personnel
4. It provides automatic control of stock and sales data.
However the system suffers the following drawbacks
1. It is vulnerable to mechanical and power failure.
2. It is very expensive and requires large organisation with substance data processing
3. Updating or alteration of stock or sales data involves a lot of work and cost.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 30, 2017 at 11:57

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