Without proper consideration of the behaviour of people in the business organisation setting even the best technically designed system is likely to fail.Required: (a) Analyse the...


Without proper consideration of the behaviour of people in the business organisation setting
even the best technically designed system is likely to fail.
a) Analyse the most common reasons that may lead to resistance to the introduction of
Management Information Systems and how an organisation can overcome it.



Reasons that may lead to resistance to the introduction of management information systems
and how an organisation can overcome it.
User resistance refers to the reluctance of some people to move to the new system or to give
information or accept new ways of doing things. It arises due to the following reason:
1) Fear of unknown consequences of adopting new ways by users.
2) Fear of loss of status or power by users especially senior managers who feel that their
duties will be overtaken by use of computers.
3) Fear of loss of jobs or job security where new ways automate clerical and manual
4) Attention to interpersonal relationships whereby human beings are required to interact
with the system instead of other people.
5) Fear of acquiring new training based on technology or technophobia.
6) Changes in job content since most procedures will be automated.
7) Mode in which the change from old procedures to new procedures is implemented. Poor
changeover methods can lead even to system failure.
8) Assigning change responsibility to somebody within the organisation who possesses the
organisation‘s power to legitimise change.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 30, 2017 at 12:27

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