What were the Impact of early Agriculture in Mesopotamia?


State the Impact of early Agriculture in Mesopotamia



1. Led to a settled life

2. Emergence of urban centres for example, Ur, Babylon, Nuppur and Uruk

3. Development of writing and arithmetic

4. Development of religion.

5. Increased food production

6. Increased population due to plenty of food.

7. Emergence of social classes in the society i.e. the rich, peasants and slaves.

8. Led to the invention of the wheel.

9. Led to development of trade

10. Rules and regulations were formulated


What was the result of the development of early agriculture in Mesopotamia

i) The development of early agriculture in Mesopotamia led to the production of enough food for the population,

ii) The production of food enabled people to establish permanent settlements/people became sedentary

iii) Places where people met to exchange food surpluses developed into urban centres,

iv) Food production allowed some people time to engage in other productive trades Eg Basket weaving

This led to job specialization/social classes/stratification,

v) Surplus agricultural products led to the development of trade between communities,

vi) Food production led to an increase in population,

vii) Settled life led to the development of a centralized system of government to cater for the protection of the people and their property,

viii) Need to transport agricultural products led to invention of the wheel

The wheel was used to transport grains to markets and stores

ix) Promoted religion

x) Need to keep records on agricultural activities led to the development of writing

xi) The standards of living were improved
johnmulu answered the question on March 11, 2017 at 05:34

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