What is the role of a database administrator in an organisation.


Examine the role of a database administrator in an organisation.



Role of database administrator
? To maintain the database. The database administrator is responsible for making additions
deleting information and ensuring that there is no duplication of data.
? Maintaining the data dictionary. A data dictionary is an index of data held in a database
which can be used in the maintenance and access of the database. It contains a pool of
information concerning a database.
? Helping users to overcome the problems that they may encounter when using the
? Resolving conflicts between users and the technical people.
? Overseeing the database security.
? Evaluating the Database Management System (DBMS) performance so as to determine
whether it meets the organisation‘s needs.
? Enhancing backing up of data and making sure that data recovery is in place.
? Ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations, for example, statutory legislation i.e.
Data Protection Act.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 30, 2017 at 13:39

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