Due to complexity of information systems development, a number of tools and methodologies have been used to resolve this complexity. Some of such tools and...


Due to complexity of information systems development, a number of tools and methodologies have been used to resolve this complexity. Some of such tools and methodologies include Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) and Prototyping.
Identify those aspects of information systems development life cycle for which these tools or techniques are available illustrating their application in each case.



Aspects of information system development life cycle for which CASE and prototyping tools
and techniques are available and their application in each case.
Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools refers to a set of programs used to
automate thus improve system development by enabling analysts and designers to integrate
and analyse documentation of several analysts and programmers who may be working on
different phases of the system. They ensure accuracy, consistency and speed.
A prototype refers to a model of all or part of a system built to show uses how a system will
appear. The process of creating a prototype is called prototyping and helps in capturing users‘
requirements faster at a lower cost.
The following aspects of system development life cycle can be performed using the above
tools and methodologies:
i) Capturing user requirements during the design stage. This can be done using a prototype
to determine actual user needs.
ii) Creation of design diagrams during the procedure design stage. CASE tools called analyst
work benches can be used to produce flow charts and data flow diagrams in the system
design stage.
iii) Checking adherence to design standards can be achieved through the use of CASE tools
such as analysts work benches programs.
iv) They can be used in calculating the time frames or duration to system completion. This
can be achieved using programs such as integrated program system environment to carry
out such the Critical Path Analysis (CPA) or the Program Evaluation Review Techniques
(PERT) during initial development stage.
v) The tools can also support separate or individual phases of the system development
cycle. This can be achieved through the use of stand-alone CASE tools.
vi) Automation of some of the processes of system development involved in turning system
specifications into a working program. Such include generation of codes and diagnostic
aids. This can be achieved by use of CASE tools such as the programmers work benches.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 30, 2017 at 13:39

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