Fourth generation languages and their application during system development.
Fourth generation languages (4GLs) describes a set of computer based tools or facilities
which assist program users in the design and preparation of an application. They help the user
to develop their own application more readily and cheaply without consulting analysts and
Fourth generation languages can help users during an information system development in the
following ways: -
1. 4GLs are non-procedural and as such, program functions are not produced by the user
but the 4GL itself. Users simply request for the data processing result or output instead
of providing the detail physical and logic used. This helps to come up with applications
more quickly and cheaply with minimal errors. This aspect is critical in the case of
program development and results to increased programmers productivity.
2. 4GLs are problem oriented in that programs are designed to solve particular problems
using English like structures. Being problem oriented makes the language more productive to specific applications. This is vital in the case of information system
development since it ensures quality and productivity of applications developed.
3. 4GLs enhance user creativity and productivity. Unlike procedural languages, 4GL tends
to promote user computing spirit and skills. User acceptance acknowledgement and
understanding will enhance reduction of technophobia: thus more quality and reliable
4. System maintenance and flexibility is enhanced. 4GLs facilitate a continuous process of
application development. The rigid requirement and the technical requirement involved
in system development life cycle is reduced. Change in user requirements can always be
incorporated in the systems design from time to time.
5. 4GLs enhance end user computing and so limiting the use of IT staff.
6. They help the organisation to top over creativity thus new information systems will be of
higher quality.
7. 4GLs help in the diffusion of information technology throughout the organisation.
gregorymasila answered the question on November 30, 2017 at 13:47
- Due to complexity of information systems development, a number of tools and methodologies have been used to resolve this complexity. Some of such tools and...(Solved)
Due to complexity of information systems development, a number of tools and methodologies have been used to resolve this complexity. Some of such tools and methodologies include Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) and Prototyping.
Identify those aspects of information systems development life cycle for which these tools or techniques are available illustrating their application in each case.
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Decisions can either be classified as structured (programmed) or unstructured (non-programmed).
i) Distinguish between programmed and non-programmed decisions.
ii) Identify each of the following with the type of decision to which it may apply.
- Computer program;
- Stock ordering;
- Judgement;
- Regulation.
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covered was on Internet and its impact on the society. Your first task is to explain to the
senior management the effect of Internet on the following sectors of society.
i) Education.
ii) Service provision industry.
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computer related crimes.
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graphical interface. As a person in charge of Information Technology (IT), your boss is
proposing that you move away from the command driven interface you are currently
using, to a new platform which is object-based and has appealing interface as well as
being more user friendly.
What advise might you offer your boss regarding this proposal
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even the best technically designed system is likely to fail.
a) Analyse the most common reasons that may lead to resistance to the introduction of
Management Information Systems and how an organisation can overcome it.
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Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
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The widespread use of computers in offices have raised major health and safety issues.
Describe three major health related problems that may result from intensive computer use
and list three products that may be made available to improve the working conditions of
personnel using computers.
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Distinguish between online and offline transactions.
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
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Describe any three basic strategies that an organisation can employ to obtain competitive advantage and illustrate the role of Information Technology in each case.
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Name six guidelines required for the development of new information systems.
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
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Explain the meaning of the following terms, bringing out clearly the distinction between the
terms in each pair.
i) Unit testing and systems testing.
ii) Preventive and perfective maintenance.
iii) Co-processing and parallel processing.
iv) Logical and physical design of a system.
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)