Explain factors that promoted trade between the East Africa coast and the outside world


Explain factors that promoted trade between the East Africa coast and the outside world



1. Availability of trade items for example, gold, ivory, slaves

2. High demand for trade items from the coast of East Africa

3. There were local merchants in hinterland and the coast like the Akamba.

4. Local trade among Africans at the coast provided a base for the Indian Ocean trade

5. Accessibility of the East African coast by sea

6. Existence of monsoon winds. This facilitated movement of vessels

7. Peace and political stability at the East African coast.

8. Good and natural habours ensured safe docking

9. Advancement of ship building industry in Europe.

10. Existence of India Banyans (money lenders). They gave credit facilities to traders.
johnmulu answered the question on March 11, 2017 at 07:16

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