The problems people face in life ,force people to make difficult and risky decisions in order to escape from them.The following are some of the problems people in the society o Twilight Trek face.
The narrator is desperate to leave his home country to escape from the problems at home.The mother is a prostitute and wishes the son to join the same in order to earn money.The narrator is prepared to travel far wide in order to improve his life.He decides to travel to Spain as an illegal Immigrant to further his football talent.
The narrator faces Blackmail on his journey to morocco.The Tuareg driver steps the vehicle in the scorching heat of the desert in order to demand more money for the trip.He threatens to abandon them if they don't add.They paid 100 extra dollars so as to continue with the journey.
The narrator companion for the journey(patience) is dishonest.The narrator does not suspect patience who turns out to be cunning and dishonest,when she disappears with the narrators money to Tangier.He is left utterly helpless.This dampens his chances of crossing to Spain.
The narrator faces many hardships .His trip through the Sahara desert is full of hardships like very high temperatures, lack of water,cramped conditions,fear of attacks from highway thieves and arrest by security officials.
The hardships in life make people engage in unethical practices e.g. the narrators mother lives the life of prostitute in order to earn a living.
In a story,a Nigerian woman dies after miscarriage still hoping that the baby in her belly would be considered worthy of asylum. She wants to escape the problems she faces at home.
marto answered the question on December 1, 2017 at 07:32
- Despite good parenting,children can sometimes be a disappointment.'Using Elizabeth and Mark's children in the River and the Source, Write an essay in support of this statement.(Solved)
Despite good parenting,children can sometimes be a disappointment.'Using Elizabeth and Mark's children in the River and the Source, Write an essay in support of this statement.
Date posted: December 1, 2017. Answers (1)
- "Corruption is a vice that should be fought by all and sundry".Using illustrations from Imbuga's Betrayal in the City,write an essay to justify this statement.(Solved)
"Corruption is a vice that should be fought by all and sundry".Using illustrations from Imbuga's Betrayal in the City, write an essay to justify this statement.
Date posted: December 1, 2017. Answers (1)
- 'He argues but I win.''Closely refer to Witi Ihimaera's novel The whale Rider for illustrations and write an essay to validate this statement.(Solved)
'He argues but I win.''Closely refer to Witi Ihimaera's novel The whale Rider for illustrations and write an essay to validate this statement.
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
- Refer to Sefi Atta's story Twilight Trek for illustrations and write an essay discussing the tribulations that the immigrants grapple with as they flee.(Solved)
Refer to Sefi Atta's story Twilight Trek for illustrations and write an essay discussing the tribulations that the immigrants grapple with as they flee.
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
- With illustrations from Francis Imbuga's play 'Betrayal in the city' show how greed has messed the society.(Solved)
With illustrations from Francis Imbuga's play 'Betrayal in the city' show how greed has messed the society.
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
- Nani flowers is a mouth piece and fighter of women's rights and those of the girl child in the patriachial Mori community.'Discuss the validity of...(Solved)
Nani flowers is a mouth piece and fighter of women's rights and those of the girl child in the patriachial Mori community.'Discuss the validity of this statement drawing your illustrations from the novel the whale rider by Witi Ihimaera.
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
- Mulili is the epitome of evil in the Kafira society. 'How true is this statement in light of what takes places in the play...(Solved)
Mulili is the epitome of evil in the Kafira society. How true is this statement in light of what takes places in the play Betrayal in the city,By Francis Imbuga?
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
- In a chauvinistic society women need to be assertive in order to survive.Using Nani flowers as an example,write an essay to show the truth of...(Solved)
In a chauvinistic society women need to be assertive in order to survive.Using Nani flowers as an example,write an essay to show the truth of the above statement as brought out in Witi Ihimaera's novel.'The Whale rider.
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
- Referring to francis Imbuga's play 'Betrayal in the city' write an essay to validate the statement,corruption retards development.'(Solved)
Referring to francis Imbuga's play 'Betrayal in the city' write an essay to validate the statement,corruption retards development.
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
- 'Change is inevitable but it has shortcomings.'Write an essay to show the truth of the above statement ,drawing your illustrations from the novel ,'The River...(Solved)
'Change is inevitable but it has shortcomings.'Write an essay to show the truth of the above statement ,drawing your illustrations from the novel ,'The River and the Source'.By Margaret Ogola.
Date posted: November 30, 2017. Answers (1)
- With close reference to Francis Imbuga's play betrayal in the city write an essay showing how bad governance is a recipe for oppression in the...(Solved)
With close reference to Francis Imbuga's play betrayal in the city write an essay showing how bad governance is a recipe for oppression in the society.
Date posted: November 25, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write the synopsis of my father's head by Okwiri Oduor(Solved)
Write the synopsis of my father's head by Okwiri Oduor.
Date posted: November 23, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write the synopsis of the short story The President by Mariatu Kamara(Solved)
Write the synopsis of the short story The President by Mariatu Kamara
Date posted: November 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Highlight the features of a song(Solved)
Highlight the features of a song
Date posted: November 14, 2017. Answers (1)
- State the functions of oral narratives
State the functions of oral narratives
Date posted: November 12, 2017. Answers (1)
- Disillusionment is a major theme in Betrayal in the
City,write an essay to show how it has been used.(Solved)
Disillusionment is a major theme in Betrayal in the
City,write an essay to show how it has been used.
Date posted: November 8, 2017. Answers (1)
- Boss fails the integrity task hence he is not suitable to be a leader. Basing on the play Betrayal in the City, verify this statement.(Solved)
Boss fails the integrity task hence he is not suitable to be a leader. Basing on the play Betrayal in the City, verify this statement.
Date posted: October 31, 2017. Answers (1)
- Tradition is an hallmark of a society. Discuss basing your illustrations on the novel The River and the Source(Solved)
Tradition is an hallmark of a society. Discuss basing your illustrations on the novel The River and the Source.
Date posted: October 31, 2017. Answers (1)
- The River and the source presents Akoko's family as one that goes beyond traditions to set a new pace that brings unprecedented results in their...(Solved)
The River and the source presents Akoko's family as one that goes beyond traditions to set a new pace that brings unprecedented results in their lives. Using illustrations from the text mentioned above discuss
Date posted: October 31, 2017. Answers (1)
- Describe how kitchen cabinet is responsible for government of Kafira in 'Betrayal in the City'(Solved)
Describe how kitchen cabinet is responsible for government of Kafira in 'Betrayal in the City'
Date posted: October 25, 2017. Answers (1)