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Outline seven safety precautions and practices that computer users observe while in computer laboratory


Outline seven safety precautions and practices that computer users observe while in computer laboratory



Avoid unnecessary movements because you may accidentally damage or knock down the peripheral devices.
Avoid carrying foodstuffs and beverages to the computer room.
Avoid smoking or exposing computer to dust.
You should not experiment or do anything without the instructions of a teacher or qualified person.
Avoid overcrowding in the laboratory.
Switch off the computer when not in use.
Do not should report immediately any strange thing in the laboratory.
Always adopt a proper sitting posture when using the computer.
At all times ,follow the correct procedure off shutting down the computer to avoid loss of data and damage to computer programs.
Do not open the metallic covers of computer or peripheral devices without permission and particularly when the power is still on.
Install gaseous fire extinguishers in the computer room .
isaacmuthini answered the question on December 1, 2017 at 13:27

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