Identify five reasons for the coming of Christian Missionaries in East Africa


State five reasons for the coming of Christian Missionaries in East Africa



1. To spread Christianity. There was a spiritual revival in Europe and so many Europeans were willing to come to Africa.

2. To spread literacy among Africa

3. To abolish African culture which they thought was backwards. To improve welfare of Africans.

4. Abolition of slave trade which they considered inhuman.

5. To counter the spread of Islam and spread Christianity, mission stations were established


Give reasons why Christian Missionaries came to Africa in 19th Century?

i) To spread Christianity/convert the Africans

ii) To explore the continent

iii) To promote Western civilization

iv) To stop the slave trade

v) To promote legitimate trade

vi) To spread education/culture
johnmulu answered the question on March 13, 2017 at 05:13

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