What are the differences between plants and animals?


What are the differences between plants and animals?



Plants are autotrophic while animals are heterotrophic.

Plants have a cellulose cell wall while animals have no cellulose cell wall.

Plants respond slowly to external stimuli while animals respond quickly to external stimuli.

Plants lack specialized excretory organs while animals have complex excretory organs.

Plants take in carbon dioxide which they need to make food while animals take in oxygen for breathing.

Plants do not have a digestive system because they synthesize their own food while animals have a digestive system to digest food before it is absorbed into alimentary canal.

Plants store carbohydrate in form of Starch while animals store carbohydrate in form of Glycogen.

Plants secrete harmless products which are stored in their bodies while animals excrete wastes which get excreted through excretory systems.

Faimus answered the question on December 3, 2017 at 19:45

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