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Explain ways in which the church in Kenya is responding to challenges posed by HIV and Aids


Explain ways in which the church in Kenya is responding to challenges posed by HIV and Aids



Explain the way the church in Kenya is handling the challenge posed by HIV/AIDS.

- Preach to those with AIDS and show love to them
- Clergy should be trained in how to handle those with AIDS
- Educational programmes should be held to give people dangers of HIV/ AIDS&STIs
- Parents should be helped by the church to educate youths and adolescents on the importance of responsible sexual behavior
- Counsel those with AIDS not to spread it
- Give hope to full blown AIDS people to live with dignity and not blame themselves
- Cultivate self worth, self image and self assertion to possible candidates of AIDS (promiscuous persons)
I cor 13 Gal 5:19-21 Eph 5:3
- Involve affected and infected in employment or income generating projects
- Advocate for protection of human rights of people with AIDS
joseph kieti answered the question on December 6, 2017 at 08:21

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