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Describe starch-sugar inter-conversion theory of opening and closing of the stomata


Describe starch-sugar inter-conversion theory of opening and closing of the stomata



During the day plants photosynthesize. Carbon (IV) Oxide is utilized during this process therefore less Carbon (IV) Oxide accumulates inside the guard cells leading to increased PH (less acidity).High PH favours conversion of starch to sugar.Sugar is osmotically active and therefore water will move into the guard cells from the nearby cells through osmosis. Guard cells gain turgidity and they bulge outwards hence stomata opens

At night photosynthesis does not occur therefore there is high accumulation of unused Carbon (IV) oxide inside guard cells. The low PH favours conversion of sugar to starch which is osmotically inactive. Guard cells lose water to the nearby cells (epidermal cells) and become flaccid hence stomata closes.
Biokenya answered the question on December 4, 2017 at 19:15

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