- General farm hygiene, cleanliness of houses, equipment proper carcass disposal by burning/ burying/
- Disinfection to destroy pathogens e.g. Anthrax and calf diseases
- Isolation of sick animals – separated from healthy ones to avoid spread of diseases e.g. foot mouth
- Drenching/ deworming to control internal parasites e.g. tapeworms and roundworms
- Treatment of the sick animal – to prevent spread of diseases
- Vaccination to create resistance to diseases on regular basis e.g. foot and mouth, anthrax, new castle
- Control vectors – to avoid disease transmission e.g. ECF, nagana/ specific method
- Prophylactic approach/ use of drugs to avoid injection e.g dry cow therapy against mastitis
- Trypanocidal drugs to control trypanosomiasis
- Proper breeding to control breeding diseases e.g. brucellosis
- Proper feeding to prevent nutritional disorders e.g. milk fever, anaemia
- Slaughtering/ killing – to prevent spread of contagious diseases e.g. anthrax
- Quarantine – to avoid spread of diseases
- Prevent introduction of diseases
- Proper housing to avoid predisposing the animal to diseases e.g. ventilation, spacing
- Foot trimming to minimize occurrence foot rot
gregorymasila answered the question on December 5, 2017 at 11:54
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State four maintenance practices for a disc plough
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Its all about the zones in production of crops and rearing of animals.
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(a) river-bank
(b) steep slope
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List four disadvantages of mono cropping in crop production.
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(a) Metal pipes
b)Hose pipes(Solved)
Give two examples for each of the following categories of water pipes.
(a) Metal pipes
b)Hose pipes
Date posted: December 4, 2017. Answers (1)