State positive impacts of scientific inventions on industry


Identify positive impacts of scientific inventions on industry



1. Large scale production of industrial goods

2. Improved living standards with increased employment opportunities

3. Countries have earned foreign exchange through manufactured goods

4. Industries have created job opportunities for many people.

5. More efficient sources of energy have been developed

6. Has improved data processing and storage by uses of computers

7. Satellites have promoted space exploration and weather forecasting


Explain the positive impact of scientific inventions on industry

i) The invention and use of machines in factories have led to production in large quantity of manufactured goods

ii) The science of electronics has led to the production and use of computers in processing information, weather research and spying purposes

iii) Research in science and technology has led to the development through the use of email and the internet,

iv) The discovery of atomic power/nuclear has led to increased power generation for industrial use, electronic trains and supersonic jets,

v) Scientific research has led to the production of alternative sources of energy for use in industries eg gasohol, methanol, solar energy
johnmulu answered the question on March 14, 2017 at 07:05

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