State and explain the economic ideas of Hebrews


State and explain the economic ideas of Hebrews.



1. Interest.
The Mosaic law prohibited interest taking or usury, however, the law applied only to the Hebrews and lending money to strangers was allowed.

2. Price.
Hebrew exercised great care in formulating laws against false weight and measure and on alteration of consumption commodities. Monopoly and hoarding were also highly prohibited.

4. Labour and wages.
Agricultural labour was highly recognized and wage workers were common however Hebrews did not lay down rules for regulating the relationship between employer and employees. The chief regulations were concerning mercy and justice to employees. Payments were to be made in kind.

5. Property.
The main form of property was land. Wealth was measured in terms of land, slaves and precious metals. The owner of a plot of land was the owner of all resources above and below the earth's surface.
Judiesiz answered the question on December 6, 2017 at 09:07

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