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Describe the effects of pests on maize in the field.


Describe the effects of pests on maize in the field.



- Some pests transmit crop diseases e.g. leaf hoppers.

- Some pests eat the growing points causing retarded growth e.g. livestock, stalk, borers,wild animals.

- Some pests attack the fruits/lowering their quality / quantity e.g. birds, bollwarms.

- Some pests eat the foliage/leaves reducing the surface area for photosynthesis.

- Some pests damage crop roots/causing wilting and death to the plants e.g. termites,rodents, wild pigs, stalk borer,

- Some pests pierce and suck sap from the plant depriving the plant of food e.g.

- Some pests injure and cause wounds on the plant exposing it to secondary
johnson mwenjera answered the question on December 6, 2017 at 12:42

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