1. Debate over contentious issues. These originate from different sections of the population like the push for multi-
partism in the late 1980
2. Collection of public views.
The review organs were mandated to collect people’s views on what should constitute the new constitution
3. Civil education .
In which the review commissions explain to the public their role in the review process,
4. Convening of constitutional conferences like the Bomas constitutional conference where contentious issues are
discussed and negotied.
5. Drafting of the constitutional conference
This involves technical exerpts
6. Referendum
This is where the peoples' approval of the draft is established
7. Enacting the constitution
Once the constitution is supported by the majority of the electorate, it is enacted by the parliament and becomes the
supreme law of the land
8. Promulgation of the constitution
The president presents the new constitution and declares it new law
johnmulu answered the question on March 15, 2017 at 04:54
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