State and explain briefly the various classes of secondary storage devices


State and explain briefly the various classes of secondary storage devices



Magnetic tapes:use the principle of magnetism to store data on a ribbon-like film coated with magnetic material on which data is recorded sequentially

Magnetic disks:Use the principle of magnetism to store data on a circular disk surface made up of concentric circles called tracks and wedge-shaped partitions called sectors

Option disk:Use the laser beam or light technology to store digital data and information as tiny pits etched on the surface

Flash memories:Is a non-volatile secondary storage devices made up of semi conductor material used to store information that can be electrically erased and re-programmed.

Optical card:A card that stores information recorded using the laser technology to an optical strip.It resembles MICR card.
isaacmuthini answered the question on December 7, 2017 at 12:53

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