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Explain five morphological features of weeds that influence selectivity of herbicides


Explain five morphological features of weeds that influence selectivity of herbicides.



i) Leaf angle/ inclination - determines the ability of weeds to retain herbicides.

ii) Nature of leafy surface - presence/absence of a waxy cuticle
- Waxy cuticle retain less herbicides than non waxy
- Herbicides effective in leaves with less waxy cuticle and vice versa

iii) Presence /absence of underground special structures and rooting system - herbicides more effective in weeds without special underground structures than those that have.

iv) Crop differential heights - herbicides are more effective on crops with the same height and vice

v) Location of growing points/location of terminal
- Terminal buds/growing points which are exposed are more susceptible to herbicides than those which
are hidden or not exposed

vi) Whether deep or shallow rooted
- Herbicides more effective in shallow rooted weeds than deep rooted ones
john3 answered the question on December 8, 2017 at 07:55

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