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Give five factors considered when siting an apiary


Give five factors considered when siting an apiary



- Availability of water

- Availability of flowers

- Sheltered place

- Away from noise and disturbances

- Away from human beings and livestock


List the factors to consider when locating of an Apiary.

Nearness or accessibility to nectar or flower-producing vegetation.
Areas with shade. Bees are sensitive to the sun's heat and require some shade to protect them.
Safe distance from human residence and other livestock.
Bees are stinging insects and can be a hazard to humans or other animals.
Nearness to a source of water for use in their nutrition.
A good distance from source of noise and other disturbances.
Safety from predators for example honey badgers, ants (safari ants), birds and other parasites such as wax moths.
john3 answered the question on December 8, 2017 at 12:51

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