• Culture is cumulative and transmittable from one generation to another using language and non-material aspects like religion, myths, language etc.
• Culture is a product of human interaction and therefore culture is not inborn nor is it fixed. It is a social product arising from interacting with others.
• Culture extends beyond the lifespan of each member of the society.
• Culture provides people with an identity. It tells them whom they are, where they are coming from and where they are heading to.
• Culture is both ideal and manifest. It is ideal in the sense that it prescribes what people should do. It is manifest in that it recognizes the actual behaviors of the people that helps them interpret situations.
• Culture is both adaptive and integrative in character. Adaptive in that people will practice their tradition depending on their geographical area.
• Culture possesses a degree of stability and dynamism. Certain aspects of culture reflects stability and non-material aspects of culture. This include language, religion, values norms and other aspects. Exhibit dynamics are the material aspects of culture which change rapidly.
Culture is learnt.
Culture is durable.
Culture is adaptable.
Culture is dynamic.
Culture is symbolic.
Culture is shared among people.
franco crick answered the question on December 8, 2017 at 13:11