Education sector can help much in fighting HIV and AIDS as most of the affected people are the schooling age, this can be done in the following ways.
1) Through sensitizing the students on the methods of preventing transmission of HIV like: abstaining,being faithful to one partner and use of condoms,
2) Forming a Counseling department to help those who are effected on use of appropriate methods to preventing further transmission and side effects of unprotected sex as one may acquire different breed which may be much complicated.
3) Counseling department may educate people on ways in which one may transmit the virus, this may reduce stigmatization on affected effected members
4) Schools may participate in campaign on HIV eradication, this may reach many people than other organizations which may lack good number of people.
5) The Education system have introduced in the curriculum subjects handling on HIV and AIDS which may reach large number of people.
6) Education sector tries to Eliminate ignorance through which majority who acquire knowledge to help in their families after being aware that this is a disease not a curse, this eliminates difference in beliefs.
paul thairu answered the question on December 13, 2017 at 10:18
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