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State and explain briefly six types of computer registers.


State and explain briefly six types of computer registers.



Accumulator:It holds the result of the last processing step of the CPU after processing.

Storage register:It temporarily stores stores portion of data being swapped between the CPU and main memory.

Instruction register:It holds the current instruction yet to be interpreted and executed by CPU

Address register;It holds the memory of the piece of the of the data or instruction to be to be processed next by the CPU.

Program counter;It keeps track of the next memory address of the instruction that is to be executed once the execution of the current instruction is completed.That is,it holds the address of the memory location of the next instruction when the current instruction is executed by the microprocessor.

Memory address register;This register holds the memory addresses of data and instructions.
isaacmuthini answered the question on December 13, 2017 at 07:26

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