State five ways of disposing refuse in ECDE centre.


State five ways of disposing refuse in ECDE centre.



It is suitable for organic wastes which can not (degrade) once in the soil thus add nutrients to the soils.
It is not suitable for solid wastes
It is not suitable where large amount of wastes are produced
It is ideal for picnic where amount of wastes are produced

Mainly used for flammable waste like paper
Suitable for small amount of wasted as this method may pollute the air
Draining into main sewer

Suitable for disposing liquid wastes like grey water from dish washing
Water from the kitchen is normally channeled to the main sewer.

This is one of the best way of disposing wastes
Materials are separated and taken for recycling.

Organic matter is composted to produce organic manure to grow organic foods and for adding nutrients to flower beds

Feeding animals
Leftover foods are used to feed pigs, cows, dogs and other domestic animals.


Compacting reduces the wastes sizes (bulkiness)
The compacted wastes are then discarded into dumping sites.

Disposal into sea/rivers
This is a bad method of waste disposal because it pollutes the river environments
However water from sewage lagoons is usually safe to dispose into the rivers once they are certified clean
johnmulu answered the question on March 28, 2017 at 05:10

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