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Research problem may be defined as an intellectual challenge or a question of interest which can be answered through collection, analysis and interpretation of data....


Research problem may be defined as an intellectual challenge or a question of interest which can be answered through collection, analysis and interpretation of data. Identification of a researchable problem has been a challenge to many researchers as some problems formulated may be not feasible.
How would a researcher identify credible sources of a research problem?



Sources of Research Problem:
There are several ways of identifying a research problem:

1)Existing Literature
Journals and articles on the broad area give a researcher a good background of basic information and an insight into various issues that can be studied.

2)Previous Research Studies
Previous research studies in the field of interest usually indicate area of further research. A review of such studies provides the researcher with researchable areas that would, when carried out, add to the knowledge that has built up by other researchers.

Replicating a study involves carrying out a research project that has been done previously. In this case, the problem and the procedures of the research are identical to a study that has previously been done. Replication is usually done to find out whether findings hold over time and across regions.

4)Existing Theories and Principles
A theory is a widely accepted explanation that has been observed over time e.g. Girls perform well in languages. It consists of generalizations and hypothesized principles which can be scientifically tested. Such tests can be done through the research process and this leads to validation of existing generalizations and principles.

5)Personal Experiences
First hand observations and reflections on intriguing experiences could also be a source of research problems. Such personal experiences usually lead to a clear understanding of the problem under investigation

6)The Media
Issues which are frequently reported in the print and electronic media can form a basis of a research problem.

7)Discussions with Experts
Discussions on general topics either in class, meetings, seminars, conference proceedings etc are a source of current problems that could be researched.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on December 13, 2017 at 10:14

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