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Describe the management of a sow during parturition


Describe the management of a sow during parturition



Management of a sow during parturition.
- Deworm 7-10 days before parturition/spray the sow against external parasites/wash its body with soap and water.

- Take the sow to the farrowing pen at least 5-7 days before the expected date of parturition.

- Clean and disinfect the farrowing pen.

- Provide creep area.

- Feed the sow entirely on bran.

- Provide clean bedding materials in the farrowing pen.

- Do not interfere but watch from a distance during farrowing.

- Assist where necessary.

- Ensure piglets are breathing.

- Perform artificial respiration.

- Ensure piglets are safe from being cannibalized by the sow.

- Tie, cut and disinfect the navel cord of the piglet.

- Weigh each piglet and record the birth weight.

- Remove and dispose off the after birth/any piglet born dead (still births).

- Put piglets in a warm place.

- Ensure piglets suckle colostrum.

- Get rid of excess piglets.

- Provide plenty of clean water after parturition.

- Feed the sow generously.
john3 answered the question on December 15, 2017 at 05:44

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