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Why is fishing more developed in northern hemisphere than southern hemisphere?


Why is fishing more developed in northern hemisphere than southern hemisphere?



The higher population in the northern hemisphere demands more fish hence necessitating development of fishing.
Cool waters favors the reproduction of phytoplanktons.
Presence of more planktons that are food for fish avail large numbers of fish.
In the northern hemisphere, there are extensive continental shelves which favor fishing grounds.
The rugged and hilly terrain make agriculture difficult, many people opt for fishing as the main economic activity hence its development.
The cool temperate climate favors large scale commercial fishing, preservation and storage of fish.
Long and cool winters do not favor agricultural activities hence the development of fish.
Presence of sophisticated technology that is highly employed in the handling of fish.
High income in the northern hemisphere countries is used to develop the fishing industry.

Andreaz answered the question on January 6, 2018 at 17:25

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