God is Holy/ pure. He told Moses to remove his shoes for he was standing on a Holy place.
God ears the cries of his people.
Just/God punishes the wrong doers.
God is God of History.
God is Caring, loving, merciful, compassionate.
Faithful/ fulfills promises e.g. fulfilled the promise made to Abraham.
Demands faith and obedience from those he calls/sends.
Empowers those He sends/doesn’t give people impossible tasks e.g. enabled Moses to perform miracles e.g. changing stick into snake.
God is worthy of respect.
Transcendent/mysterious/beyond human understanding e.g. burning bush.
Personal/knows us by name e.g. called Moses by his name.
Uses human beings to accomplish a task e.g. Moses/God commissions people to perform certain tasks/ works through people He chooses.
God is Eternal.
Protects his people.
God is omnipresent.
Uses events to reveal Himself to people e.g. burning bush.
God is miracle working God.
Knows our suffering vs.7. He had seen the affliction of His people in Egypt.
Has power over nature/all powerful vs.2 e.g. bush burning though not getting consumed/ almighty/ omnipotent.
raphael answered the question on December 19, 2017 at 06:36
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