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Explain negative contributions of education to educators


Explain negative contributions of education to educators



-Peer pressure are involved in peer groups thus attracted into evil deeds.
-Sexual immorality students get involved in immorality such as incest, rape cases and gayship.
-Drug abuse the students start involving in drug abuse such as cigarettes and bhang while still at school.
-Disrespect to their leaders and teachers through increased disobedience to them.
-Some starts bullying the smaller students who are in the lower classes.
-Some starts practicing stealing among each other while at school.

franco crick answered the question on February 23, 2018 at 18:09

-Peer pressure are involved in peer groups thus attracted into evil deeds.
-Sexual immorality students get involved in immorality such as incest, rape cases and gayship.
-Drug abuse the students start involving in drug abuse such as cigarettes and bhang while still at school.
-Disrespect to their leaders and teachers through increased disobedience to them.
-Some starts bullying the smaller students who are in the lower classes.
-Some starts practicing stealing among each other while at school.

franco crick answered the question on February 23, 2018 at 18:10

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